miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

homeworkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!! kendraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)

i really like this web sites, because i learned new things, awesome things!!!!!!!!!!!! . they are to persuade people to travel, to visit that places, and as all we know, english is one of the most universal lenguages of the world, so, if they are written in english most of people are going to read with no problems. I like the carpets in guatemala, they are very creative and colorfull, an excellent way to have a good time. The holi in tai es very funnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want to be in that place and fight with waterrrrrrr ejjeje. and off course the paint and all the colorsssssssssssssssss!!!

miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

Awwwww Kendra i really like kiva's blog. I think is very beautiful that people like she wants to make happy other people. i think she deserve the money, and Pedro's family too!!
Every person is different. Because of that, every single person have their oun habits, dream and in this case: hobbies. It is very related with the personality, and we can say that according with the things you do or you like you will be like that.
I love to dance, but im not in a class or something like that,I love the animals, be with my friends, go out,go to the cinema, make videos, or belived or not study!!!!!

miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013

wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww this video was very sad, its hard to see that some people dont have the same conditions than the rest, and even more when that people that we are talking about are afrocolombians, are from our country. while we are in our bed, watching tv, eating or studing , afrocolombians maybe are in the streets or with their stomach empty.

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013


miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2013

1) What do we learn about Tuareg culture on this video?

When i saw the video i was trying to pay a lot of attention because i noticed that that culture is very different than American culture, for example, here we thing that the tea is just one of the million drinks we have, and we put coca cola, pepsy, kola etc. first, but in the Tuareg culture, the tea is very elaborate with dedication and a lot of time.
Another thing i learned is that people of that culture obviously wear clothes very unusual for americans, they wear robes and fabrics in their head and face and we are accustomed to use simple and fresh things.

2) The Tuareg are people with traditionally nomadic pastoralist lifestyle, they live in Africa, in parts like Algeria, Mali and Niger, they speak an specific leanguage: Tamasheq , that has an estimated 1.2 million speakers, and of course they loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the tea and respect it.

domingo, 3 de febrero de 2013

homeworkkk......againnnnnnnnn :( jeje

Barranquilla : Cultural capital 2013

1. Why was Barranquilla chosen? 
I was very surprised when i read that my city was a cultural capital, but very proud at the same time. Barranquilla was chosen for sooooooooooooooooooo many reasons, for example, for her beauty, her beaches, her architecture, etc. but most important for her people.
Everyone can see that Barranquilla is a city full of " perrenque" "empuje" development. We are changing and the world realizes that we are hoping for being everyday, a better place, for that reason lot of people are saying: En Barranquilla me quedo :)

2. Will Barranquilla receive any of the economic benefits Liverpool hoped to from being named a cultural capital?

Obviously, because i read in the newspaper article that some channels like Antena 3 and Discovery networks are going to show to the world so many things about Barranquilla, for that reason, the people who are going to see the commercial will want to come to this beautiful city, and that is called tourism.